Sunday, March 20, 2011

Technology Action Plan

A committee, which consists of the administrators, campus technologists, instructional coaches, and all grade level teachers will meet at least twice during the school year to evaluate and make determination on the progress of technology integration. This evaluation will also look at how well and how often technology is being used at the campus levels. The committee will make recommendations of updates needed to the technology Plan.
The evaluation process will include the following assessments:

Informal interviews of staff from the campuses will be conducted. The SBDM committee will use these in order to make plans for the future. These plans would include suggestions and/or concerns by the staff. Campus Technologists will monitor and report on progress and needs of each campus. They will also report on the ability of teachers to use technology in classrooms.
Campus administrators will provide lesson plans, student projects, teacher interviews,
and parental report that show that the classroom teacher is using technology in the
Administrators to determine technology will monitor all staff through walk-through evaluations and professional development training is being implemented into the daily curriculum of all subject areas. According to the Week 3 Interview, 2009, Dr. Abernathy states that we need to push our teachers to be creative and innovative in creating lessons using technology. When observing teachers and using the appraisal system, this can be assessed and noted.
All staff to assist administrators in determining the professional development needs of each campus so that achievement will be positively impacted will complete the STaR Chart.
According to Week 3 Video, 2009, it is important to survey the students to see how they use technology at home. I think that a survey each semester would help teachers create lessons that are appropriate to their student’s technology levels.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog #3 EDLD_5352

Transforming American Education highlights that education is the key to America’s economic growth and prosperity. It is top priority to a getting a good job and higher income for Americans. The Obama administration put education as an urgent priority by stating 2 clear goals to be achieved by 2020. They are: raise the proportion of college graduates from where is stands now (39%0 so that 60% of our population holds a 2 year or 4 years degree, and close the achievement gap so that all students- regardless of race, income, or neighborhood- graduate from high school ready to succeed in college and careers. These are high stakes goals especially with the budgets being cut the across the board.

To achieve these goals the National Educational Technology Plan urges our education system to be clear about the outcomes we seek, collaborate to redesign structures and processes, continually monitor and measure performance, and hold ourselves accountable for progress. Technology is the core of everyting we do. We should use this technology to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences in more meaningful ways. Technology based learning can be used to improve student learning and generating data to monitor student performance.

I like how the article points out that learning is no longer one size fits all. While we all have the common core discipline specific learning experiences, we still all process these differently. We can use technology to differentiate to meet the needs of all learners. It is also a great way to get all stakeholders involved in the education system. It helps create a more individualized learning environment to learn at your own pace.

Blog #2- EDLD 5352

Mission of Texas Public Education is based on the idea that “a general diffusion of knowledge is essential for the welfare of this state and for the preservation of the liberties and rights of citizens. It is further grounded on the conviction that a successful public education system is directly related to a strong, dedicated, and supportive family and that parental involvement in the school is essential for the maximum achievement of a child.”

Texas technology standards referenced in the tech plan that teachers must meet the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) Technology Applications standards, and students must meet the Technology TEKS. There was nothing in the SBEC standards which references the need for of requires collaboration. A big goal of the tech plan is extending learning to the home / to parents. Schools should have a way to assess how well they are extending learning to homes. A distributed learning environment is a key phrase.

SBEC technology standards require for teachers: access to technology, quality professional development, time to implement technology infused lessons. Students must show they can acquire information, solve problems, and communicate with technology. Provided professional development must align to SBEC standards, must support lesson planning, classroom management, and administrative tasks. Content focused professional development must be provided schools should budget for TCO (total cost of ownership) as well as sustainability. Key goal is connecting schools, homes and businesses.

Key phrases include: dynamic, diverse learning communities create knowledge... apply it across disciplines, requires management of complex processes. Educators should be mentor, monitor and motivate" students, participate in communities of learning and inquiry, as co-learners and researchers, and leaders provide stewardship for universal education. The Infrastructure should support interoperability and should be benchmarks with exemplary school around the entire nation, not just the state.

Teachers should take advantage of technology to make learning more engaging and relevant. All learners should have access to resources for individualized instruction 24/7.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blog posting #1- EDLD_5352

In the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020, there are four key domains: Teaching and Learning;, Educator Preparation and Development, Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support, and Infrastructure for Technology. In my opinion the most important area is in infrastructure. Without it there would be no base to build upon and the other key areas would not be.

The Star chart data has shown growth in this area of Infrastructure of Technology, yet there is a continued need overall. There needs to be a focus on ensuring access of technology, internet connectivity, and technical support for all the districts in Texas. On our campus we have grown exponentially in this area. Our district has added ELMO, MOBI, smart boards, and more computers to each classroom.

The trends in this area of Infrastructure are showing growth on the local and state level. There have been schools that do not have access to technology or the internet. The campus statewide summary and our campus specifically are performing at the advanced tech level of progress most of the time. There is still a large percentage, 34.9%, on the developing tech level.

To move to the target tech level of progress we still have work to do. We need to have more computers in the classroom so students can have access to connected multimedia computers when needed. Direct internet connectivity with resources in the classroom with adequate bandwidth to access the e-learning technologies would also help us reach the target level. Lastly, we need the technical support to handle the professional development of teacher and students, and problems that might occur. This infrastructure must be sound so that we can build on the other key areas.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Final Action research project

After discussing the project with my administrator, I have made one change in my action research project. I will choose the studetns who failed math TAKS last year as the ones that I will use as my target population. This will benefit the studetns because they struggled last year so they would benefit from the intervention. the rest of the project will look the same as below.