Sunday, August 8, 2010

Final Action research project

After discussing the project with my administrator, I have made one change in my action research project. I will choose the studetns who failed math TAKS last year as the ones that I will use as my target population. This will benefit the studetns because they struggled last year so they would benefit from the intervention. the rest of the project will look the same as below.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Action research for teachers is about studying what is happening in your school and deciding how to make it a better place by changing what and how we teach and how we relate to students. When selecting a topic for action research it is very importnant to use data that directly related to the problem so that you will get the answer you are looking for. Picking topics that you are interested in and that are relevant to your campus are the best action research topics. They will keep your interest and give answers to problems occuring on your campus.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How educational leaders might use blogs

There are so ways that educational leaders might use blogs. They are great with staying connected with current educational news and providing inspiration from other professional in their field. Often times we get in a rut doing the same things every year, so blogs might be used to get inspired and learn new ideas.

What I have learned about action research

Action research, or sometimes called classroom research to practitioner inquiry, is a process where by which the teacher or principal reflect on their current teaching practices for learning and improving the school. It is a constant circle of reflecting and trying to make improvement for student learning. This practice involves much more than sitting through a staff development and taking in what the university expert researchers have developed over years of controlled experiments. This is the teacher taking control of problems they see in the classroom and taking action to make a positive change that will benefit their students needs. As education changes we can use this process to enhance our professional growth as we see problems arise. When we notice that a certain group of students are not performing well we often ask why. By taking this action to solve the problem we are doing so in a natural setting where we can research and apply what we have learned to that group of students. The best way to get our students to learn to ask questions and take an inquiry approach in their learning is to model it for them. Action research is a great way for teachers and administrators to take ownership of what is going on in their classrooms and on their campus and make steps towards improving their education.